Stampede Saloon

"Come for the fun, leave with the memories"
417 First Street Chugwater WY
(307) 422-3200
And Eatery

About us

Hello, Thanks for stopping by,
We are nestled in the beautiful historic Chugwater Valley just 45 miles north of Cheyenne, and 25 miles south of Wheatland at 417 1st Street in Chugwater Wy.
The Stampede Saloon And Eatery promotes fun family dining in a Western Atmosphere all week with entertainment every Friday and Saturday Night.
Our Wish For You,,,,,,
Years ago there used to be places where you could take your family and friends out to dinner, relax, have a few laughs, reminisce, and maybe have a dance or two,,, but in these hectic times those places have vanished.
We at The Stampede remember those days and hope to recreate some of those wonderful times for you. Remember,,,,,those memories of dancing with mom and dad, getting together and seeing your friends, meeting new friends or maybe finally asking that one special person to dance.
Come on down to the "Stampede Saloon and Eatery", bring your friends, your family, the people you work with,,,,,kick back relax..., have a bite to eat, and kick up your heels. Oh and don't forget the laughs,,,,LOTS of laughs,,,after all isn't that what life's all about?
"Come For The Fun, Leave With The Memories"
Brief History Of Chugwater
And Our Name
The legend goes like this: the land that is now Chugwater belonged to the Mandan tribe. Like many plains tribes, they relied upon the American buffalo for their sustenance. One day, their suitably brave chief took on a large bull Buffalo single handedly, which while brave, proved to be foolhardy as he was left badly injured.
Knowing that the tribe needed to hunt the migrating herds of buffalo soon, he appointed his son “Dreamer” to take his place leading the hunt. Dreamer was either very practical, or very lazy, for he reasoned that in a land with so many steep hills and valleys, it would be easier to Stampede
the herd over a cliff than to chase them with spears and arrows. And that’s what he did.
He organized his hunters into groups and they chased the herd from all sides until they were forced over the edge of a cliff, into the creek below.
If you’ve ever wondered what a buffalo sounds like when it falls off a cliff into a creek, apparently that sound is “chug.” And thus, that is how Chugwater got its name.